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9 Noble Virtues

We adhere to the 9 Noble Virtues of Asatru:

Self Reliance

We are located in East Oralndo FL

Alfodr Troth Kindred

 Alfodr Troth Kindred is a Heathen, Asatru fellowship located in the Central Fl area. Our goal is to study, learn, and practice the ways of the Northern Scandinavian pre-Christian faiths and traditions


Alfodr Troth Kindred strives to follow the Nine Charges of the Odinic Rite 

To maintain candour and fidelity in love and devotion to the tried friend: though he strike me I will do him no scathe.

Never to make wrongsome oath: for great and grim is the reward for the breaking of plighted troth.

To deal not hardly with the humble and the lowly.

To remember the respect that is due to great age.

To suffer no evil to go unremedied and to fight against the enemies of Faith, Folk and Family: my foes I will fight in the field, nor will I stay to be burnt in my house.

To succour the friendless but to put no faith in the pledged word of a stranger people.

If I hear the fool's word of a drunken man I will strive not: for many a grief and the very death groweth from out such things.

To give kind heed to dead people: straw dead, sea dead or sword dead.

To abide by the enactments of lawful authority and to bear with courage the decrees of the Norns.

Alfodr Troth Kindred does not discriminate against race, color, or sexual orientation. 

Alfodr Troth Kindred is NOT a Hate Group and in NO WAY is affiliated wit any form of Nazism or White Supremacy.



Alfodr Troth Kindred Mission Statement


The mission of the Alfodr Troth Kindred is to provide a close knit community or extended family setting to its members within Asatru, a polytheistic religion. We will facilitate the further education of our members by providing resources such as articles, books, classes, blog or post sites and open discussion. Our goal is to provide our members with the ability to meet, worship with one another and practice the various aspects of our religion in a friendly environment. We, within the kindred, share an outstanding personal desire to be in this group, a loyalty to the group in part and as a whole and a very dedicated relationship with the Gods and Goddesses of the Aesir (inclusive of both tribes), our ancestors and the spirits of the earth the landvaettir.


We are deeply proud of our heritage and the customs of old. All of which are held high in our halls and homes. We hold personal virtues as right and just as they are used in our day to day lives and thereby hold personal and family responsibility to be of utmost importance. At no time do we find it acceptable to act or weigh judgment on anyone based on discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation or spiritual belief. We believe emphatically in the freedoms and rights of all people as set forth by decree within our great nation and are grateful to those who have given so much to allow us the freedom to practice our faith. This is not to be taken lightly and these very thoughts are to be expected from others unto us as well. We welcome anyone who would learn of our ways to be involved in our open events in the hope of sharing thoughts and gaining wisdom from these “emissaries” of other ways.     

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