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Sacred Days, Moots and the Althing


Sacred Days:


Alfodr Troth Kindred, like must Heathens observe sacred days. Heathens follow a yearly cycle of holy or sacred days we call the "The Wheel Of The Year". Like other Neo-Pagans, and Wiccans our sacred days revolve around Solstices, Equinoxes and Cross Quater Days, that are agriculturally based.


 I will not go into deep detail about each sared day, but if you want a great resourse with good information visit


Basicly we at Alfodr Troth Kindred observe the following Sacred Days, however we may or may not observe them all in a year.  See our calender for upcoming events.


Yule-Dec 21-Jan 1

Disablot -Jan 31- Feb 1

Ostara March-21

Maitag/May Day-Apirl 30- May1

Misummer-June 21

Freyfaxi-July 31-Aug 1

Winterfinding /Harvestfest- Sept 21

Dieses/Winternight Oct 15-31




Moots are basicly an assembly held for debate, it is less formal then the Althing.  In Alfodr Troth Kindred we hold monthly Moots to discuss Heathen topics, and have workshops on Asatru teachings.  However a Moot can be many other things also.




 The Althing is when laws are formed and justice is dealt out kinda like court and Congress type of gathering. Alfodr Troth Kindred holds a yearly Althing normaly in January of each year as a Kindred Business and planing meeting. However an Althing can be held when ever one is needed.





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